121 Positive Thinking Affirmations ULTIMATE GUIDE
Positive thinking affirmations can eradicate negative thinking habits and ignite your motivation to achieve success and happiness. Begin your day with a positive message to yourself and repeat it throughout the day.
Words are representations of your thoughts. If you have negative thoughts, you say negative things. You say them over and over again in your mind to the point where they become an ingrained pattern.
How can you wipe out the negative pattern?
Revitalize your life by writing over negative patterns with positive affirmations. They can shape your mind into a more optimistic frame and wipe out negative thinking habits.
There is solid research backing the benefit of positive affirmations.
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Career and Job Success
Here are positive thinking affirmations to help you be successful in your job, career, or business.
I suggest you choose only one at a time and make a habit of repeating it every day, beginning first thing in the morning.
It’s best to use these as examples to craft unique affirmations.
Career Progression
- I have the initiative and persistence to achieve my goals.
- I am on the right career track.
- I permit myself to grow and learn.
- I use my time and talents wisely.
- I am confident that I will reach the pinnacle of my profession.
Job Search
- I am fully energized to uncover my perfect job.
- I am open to fresh and exciting possibilities to find my ideal job.
- I am relaxed and assured.
- I have unlimited potential.
- I see myself in my ideal job.
- I have all the abilities and knowledge to excel at my dream job.
- I excel in job interviews.
- I have amazing talents and abilities.
- I always communicate with confidence.
- I am a born communicator.
- I am the ideal fit for this job.
First Day in a New Job
- I am confident. I am comfortable speaking around coworkers.
- I ask for help when I get stuck on the job.
- I receive many rewards when I do my job as well as I can.
- My coworkers and I inspire and help each other develop and succeed.
- My job makes me joyful and happy.
Daily Motivation on the Job
- I have the courage to overcome my fears.
- I am confident in my value.
- I have the talents and knowledge to make amazing career decisions.
- I am the best at my job. I create outstanding results for my company.
- I am devoted and excited about my goals and career.
- I live my life to the fullest.
Positive Self-Image Affirmations
- I feel amazing about who I am.
- My life is fantastic!
- I have limitless power.
- I’m confident in myself and my ability.
- I respect and honor myself.
- People respect me.
- I see myself through forgiving eyes.
- I feel relaxed, saying what I think.
- I love sharing my ideas and thoughts.
- I am grateful for the incredible things in my life!
- I deserve everything I want.
- I am fortunate.
- My life is full of adventure and fantastic experiences.
- I acknowledge and embrace myself for who I am.
- I am resourceful and adaptable.
- I expect the finest for myself!
- My life is plentiful.
- I learn and develop every day.
- I adapt to improve my circumstances.
- I am deserving of all the abundance, love, and extraordinary experiences I want.
- Others admire and respect me.
- I relish all the lessons I’ve learned from life.
- I constantly develop and become a better version of myself.
- I am confident and clever.
- I am attractive.
- I inherently feel good about myself!
- I easily forgive myself.
- I forgive others.
- I always do my best.
- I am positive and upbeat!
- I am fearless and outgoing!
- I courageously follow my dreams!
- I can achieve everything I want.
- Others value my talents and knowledge.
- I contribute my opinions and ideas easily.
- I exude self-confidence!
- I have amazing potential that I tap into every day!
- I can do anything I set my mind to.
- I have an impact on the world.
Confidence Affirmations
- I see my full potential.
- I can improvise and adapt to overcome any obstacle.
- I enjoy meeting people and making friends.
- I motivate myself best.
- Problems are chances to learn and get better.
- I draw optimistic people into my life.
- I make a difference by always doing my best.
- I am getting better every day.
- I deserve what I want.
- I am resourceful and receptive to new answers.
- I trust my abilities and express my true self with ease.
- I am more powerful than I seem.
- I am more courageous than I think.
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Positive Affirmations for Patience
- I’m patient and calm.
- It feels better to be patient.
- I’m a naturally patient person.
- I see myself as a patient person.
- There’s no need to rush unless it’s a real emergency.
- I’m flexible and tolerant.
- Patience is my best partner.
- Every day I’m more patient with myself and others.
- I choose to be understanding and patient today.
- I’m grateful for the patience of others today.
Affirmations for Fear
- Fear cannot stop me from living my dreams.
- I crush fears that try to stand in the way of my goals.
- Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real.
- Feeling afraid sharpens my focus and helps me succeed.
- I inhale strength and exhale fear.
- I’m strong and courageous today.
- I feel strong and brave about the future.
- I feel my fear shrinking away.
- I’m on a new journey where fear doesn’t serve me.
- My fear is only in my mind.
Abundance Affirmations
- My life is abundant.
- I attract abundance in my life.
- I’m a magnet for prosperity.
- I’m fortunate to be prosperous and happy.
- I deserve abundance in every area of my life.
- I’m open to receiving prosperity and abundance.
- I deserve wealth and happiness.
- I attract wealth.
- I see opportunities everywhere.
- I see a silver lining in every dark cloud.
Gratitude Affirmations
- I accept all of the ways life rewards me.
- I’m grateful for this moment.
- I appreciate my life.
- I’m grateful for my dreams and aspirations.
- I am thankful for my health.
- I appreciate my family and friends.
- I am always grateful.
- I am thankful for learning and growing.
- I appreciate the abundance in my life.
- I’m grateful for my sound mind and healthy body.
Related: Permanently Eliminate Negative Thinking.
Do positive affirmations really work?
Yes, positive thinking affirmations work if you consistently practice them. The challenge many people face is the inability to use affirmations consistently long enough to have effects.
Here are some experimental results displaying the effects of positive affirmations:
What is the best app for positive thinking affirmations?
There are several excellent apps for positive thinking. Here are five popular ones.
Live Happy
This app is based on research results in the field of positive thinking psychology. The Live Happy app has existed for years and has several outstanding qualities. There is a distinct focus on exercises that can generate more positive feelings, like “savor,” “strive,” and “thank,” for instance.
This app is based on research results in the field of positive thinking psychology. The Live Happy app has existed for years and has several outstanding qualities. There is a distinct focus on exercises that can generate more positive feelings, like “savor,” “strive,” and “thank,” for instance.
Better yet, there is a dedicated section of optimism routines, which can deliver more positive thinking. These techniques are backed by substantial research, some of which you can examine through the explore feature.
The Live Happy app is a good place to begin if you’d like to learn more about what can help you feel more optimistic and happy.
Related: iPhone App Review of Live Happy
The Happify app is based on research from an assortment of experts. It contains many games and activities that you can practice on your phone that research confirms as effective. The activities help you to be happier, upbeat, and they can transform your thought patterns.
You’ll discover writing activities and games designed to boost your happiness. There are also quizzes, forums, and ways to track your activities.
One of Happify’s awesome things is that one study showed that 86 percent of frequent users are happier within two months.
Happify Website Scroll to the bottom to download the App.
Think Up
There is plentiful evidence that repeating positive thinking affirmations works. The Think Up app helps you integrate positive affirmations into your life without much of the opposition we normally feel when embracing a new habit.
This app permits you to find ready-made affirmations or create your own.
You can set them to music and be reminded to focus on them.
Think Up app works well for those who need some structure and motivation to keep going.
Download the IOS or Android App from the Website
Thought Diary
The Thought Diary app uses cognitive-behavioral therapy strategies and tracks your thought patterns.
You can change your patterns when you see the need. For instance, it helps you detect and adjust your cognitive distortions and switch to healthier thinking patterns.
Download the IOS or Android App on the website.
This app concentrates on anxiety and is aimed at teens and young adults. MindShift helps those who undergo general anxiety to learn how to confront their fears instead of relying on avoidance coping.
It’s easy to use and has had great results.
Download the IOS or Android App on the website.
What are the most powerful affirmations?
I guess you would be expecting specific positive thinking affirmations, but I don’t believe specific affirmations that apply universally are the answer.
The most powerful affirmations are intrinsic ones that apply to your unique mindset and reflect your values and strong beliefs. They don’t conflict with your beliefs.
Research indicates that intrinsic affirmations are more powerful than extrinsic ones. Intrinsic affirmations are statements about your core identity. They are how you identify yourself and who you are instead of what you do.
These are intrinsic affirmations about who I am.
- I am…
- I’m a good person.
- I’m hardworking.
- I am patient and persistent.
Extrinsic affirmations are about deeds and behavior.
- I can…
- I can get 100% on this exam.
- I can get this job.
- I can win the contest.
For instance, when I finally quit smoking cigarettes 20 years ago, I used intrinsic affirmations whenever I thought of smoking.
I said things like, “I don’t smoke” and “No thanks, I’m a nonsmoker.”
Examples of extrinsic affirmations in this situation might be:
“I can stop smoking” or “I can say no to a cigarette.” These are less powerful than the intrinsic ones above.
TIPS for Implementing Positive Thinking Affirmations
Instead of copying affirmations made by someone else, you should create unique affirmations by choosing comfortable words to fit your personality and style.
I’ve had the greatest success by talking to myself (silently in public places) using different affirmations variations.
- I am confident.
- People think of me as a confident person.
- I’m the kind of person who is confident.
- When it comes to confidence, I’m the poster child.
- I see myself as a confident person.
The secret is to get this like a bug in your brain, and you remind yourself constantly that you’re confident.
Supercharge your success by transforming your posture to be confident and feel confident as you think and say it. Stand tall, smile, and stride powerfully.
You can create affirmations when you want to improve at work or any other situation, such as:
- Boosting confidence at job interviews.
- Controlling negative thoughts and feelings, such as fear, impatience, and frustration.
- Overcoming negative habits affecting your career progression, like procrastination or passive-aggression.
- Improving your self-image and public speaking talents for interviews, meetings, and presentations.
- Improving your skills and increasing your productivity.
- Motivating yourself.
- Setting inspiring goals.
Related: How to Keep a Perfect Journal
How to Create Positive Affirmations
You can attract almost anything in your life that you focus on consistently, including bad things. Positive thinking affirmations are a mighty tool that can keep out the bad and bring in the good. By believing an idea or sentence and reciting it to yourself regularly, you can lure more positivity to your life.
Your words are incredibly powerful. Positive affirmations can help you find the ability to accomplish things that you didn’t think were doable with good practice. Regardless, they only work if you believe them. Here’s how to form positive affirmations that you can believe in and complete all your life’s greatest goals.
1. Identify What You Want
To start writing a positive affirmation for your life, you have to think about what you want. Think about things that would make you happier and write them down. It’s essential to be clear about what you want when you construct affirmations. Don’t be distracted by worrying about how to get it.
2. List the Attributes You’ll Need
After you’ve identified what you want, the next step is to define the attributes you’ll need to reach your goal. You should list about four to six things. Your attributes are what you need to be, rather than the things you have to do. Once you’ve written them down, select a few that you believe to be the essential attributes you must have to attain your goal.
3. Write Your Affirmation
Once you have your desires and attributes written down, it’s time to create your affirmation. You want to create a statement between one and two sentences that expresses the goal and attributes in an optimistic and empowering way. This can be difficult, so you should jot down some thoughts as they come to you and recite them aloud.
4. Practice Your New Affirmation
Now that you’ve created an affirmation, it’s time to practice it and repeat it often. You want to be sure to repeat your affirmations every day. To help you remember to say your statements, you set a reminder on your phone, you can set your phone’s background to a picture of your affirmation, so you see it every time you use your phone, or you can put them on Post-Its and place them around your home or office. Do whatever works for you.
Affirmations are incredibly helpful in helping you achieve your desires as long as you do them correctly. You have the power to use your mind to create the future you desire.
5 Steps to Make Affirmations That Work
The powerful practice of affirmations has helped many people get everything they want. Many people recite positive affirmations daily, but not everyone gets maximum benefits. Affirmations work a lot like goal setting and visualizing.
If you repeat affirmations but aren’t noticing the results, then you may be doing something wrong. Here are five simple steps to ensure affirmations work for you.
Step #1 – Feel the Affirmations
Many people don’t see the effects of their daily affirmations because they are only going through the motions without including feelings. They aren’t connecting any emotions or feelings with their affirmations. If you want affirmations to work for you, include positive emotional words in them. Affirmations with feeling are far more dynamic and effective.
Step #2 – The Key is Repetition
You need to rehearse affirmations every day if you want them to change your life. Once is not enough, so you have to repeat your affirmations daily until it’s a habit. When your affirmations become habits, you start seeing results.
Step #3 – Turn Your Affirmations Into Your Habit
If you want to get the most out of your positive affirmations, you have to turn the practice into a habit. This means that you should repeat your statements at the same time every day. The best times to practice your affirmations is once in the morning and once before you go to sleep. Repeating your affirmations right before you sleep at night induces your subconscious mind to continue working while you sleep.
Step #4 – Belief That it Will Happen
Most people will do their affirmations, but they don’t believe that they will get what they desire. If you don’t believe in something, you will never put in the effort required to obtain it. You will never take action. Your beliefs define your action, and when you believe that you are going to achieve it, you will do whatever it takes to get it.
Step #5 – Commit and Take Action
If you want your affirmations to work for you, you have to commit to your goals. If you want to be healthy and fit, you have to be committed to exercising and eating better.
If you want your affirmations to work for you, you must believe and persist. Rehearse your affirmations daily, with feelings and emotions. Change your posture and facial expression to match your affirmation, and you’ll be shocked at how quickly you manifest your desires.
Try starting a journal and write down the same affirmation every morning and evening. Think about the meaning of the affirmation, feel it, and see yourself achieving it.
Benefits of Positive Affirmations
Repeating positive affirmations every day consistently can deliver multiple benefits for your life. They include:
Improved skills: Positive mantras can help you become more adept at skills essential to your professional success. For example, repeating and believing in the idea, “I am confident,” before a presentation can improve your performance. You can also use this affirmation to boost your confidence as you prepare yourself for interviews.
Keen focus: Affirmations can help you concentrate on actions that expand your contribution to organizational goals. For instance, repeating, “I write down clear goals and work to achieve them every day” and “I am diligent and persistent” can inspire you to create specific milestones for completing your projects.
Improved interpersonal skills: Repeating a mantra can enhance your interpersonal relations by promoting positive responses and feelings about others. For example, affirming, “I win by helping others win” can promote collaboration and teamwork.
Manage your stress: Use affirmations to reduce stress and raise performance on demanding tasks. Mantras can interrupt compulsive thought routines, stopping you from dwelling on negativity. For example, instead of ruminating about missing a deadline, you can repeat “I am a doer” to motivate yourself to find renewed ways to fix the delay.
A positive perspective: Affirmations can enhance how you see your position. For instance, repeating “I am blessed to have this job” can improve how you regard your position and boost your appreciation.
Increased job satisfaction: You can have more job satisfaction by employing certain mantras. Use affirmations to boost your productivity, enhance your goal-setting and social skills, master new abilities, and improve decision-making. Practicing upbeat affirmations can help raise levels of positiveness and joy about your work or career perspective.
Related Resources:
How to Use Positive Thinking Affirmations
Here are some ways to improve your life with positive affirmations:
Repeat before work begins: Repeating affirmations before work can set a good tone for the day. Saying “I’ll have a productive day today” for a few minutes before you begin working can boost your motivation and increase productivity.
Use during meditation: You can weave mantras into your meditation. Affirmations like “I’m free from stress and worry” can relax you and enhance your focus.
Pair with goal setting: A terrific way to make affirmations more compelling is to combine them with goals. For example, repeat or visualize the affirmation, “I am confident in my ability to present in front of a group,” to enhance your presentation performance.
Review affirmations frequently: Write down, repeat, and visualize affirmations regularly. Whenever you see the affirming message, it can push you to attain your goals and improve skills to be better at your job.
Inject affirmations into your notifications: Make affirmations more effective by using them as notices on your electronic devices. Choose a daily affirmation and have it sent via a reminder application.
Repeat mantras whenever you have negative thoughts or behavior: Repeating affirmations like “I choose optimism over negativity” before you defend a project or go on an interview can help you beat the emotion and have a stunning performance.
Related: Brain Programming Articles
The Conclusion to Positive Thinking Affirmations
I have had great success with affirmations. My crown achievement was to quit smoking, and affirmations played a huge role there.
I hope you find this guide useful, and I wish you phenomenal success and happiness!
Epton, T., & Harris, P. R. (2008). Self-affirmation promotes health behavior change. Health Psychology, 27(6), 746–752. https://doi.org/10.1037/0278-6133.27.6.746
Cascio, C., O’Donnell, M., Tinney, F., Lieberman, M., Taylor, S., Strecher, V., & Falk, E. (2015). Self-affirmation activates brain systems associated with self-related processing and reward and is reinforced by future orientation. Social Cognitive And Affective Neuroscience, 11(4), 621-629. https://doi.org/10.1093/scan/nsv136
Self-Affirmations Provide a Broader Perspective on Self-Threat – Clayton R. Critcher, David Dunning, 2015. Personality And Social Psychology Bulletin. Retrieved from https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0146167214554956
Sherman, D. K., Bunyan, D. P., Creswell, J. D., & Jaremka, L. M. (2009). Psychological vulnerability and stress: The effects of self-affirmation on sympathetic nervous system responses to naturalistic stressors. Health Psychology, 28(5), 554–562. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0014663
Cooke, R., Trebaczyk, H., Harris, P., & Wright, A. (2014). Self-Affirmation Promotes Physical Activity. Journal Of Sport And Exercise Psychology, 36(2), 217-223. https://doi.org/10.1123/jsep.2013-0041
Schimel, J., Arndt, J., Banko, K., & Cook, A. (2004). Not all self-affirmations were created equal: The cognitive and social benefits of affirming the intrinsic (vs. extrinsic) self. Social Cognition, 22, 75-99. https://guilfordjournals.com/doi/10.1521/soco.
Layous, K., Davis, E., Garcia, J., Purdie-Vaughns, V., Cook, J., & Cohen, G. (2017). Feeling left out, but affirmed: Protecting against the negative effects of low belonging in college. Journal Of Experimental Social Psychology, 69, 227-231. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jesp.2016.09.008
Koole, S. L., Smeets, K., van Knippenberg, A., & Dijksterhuis, A. (1999). The cessation of rumination through self-affirmation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77(1), 111–125. https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.77.1.111
Stress and coping among layoff survivors: A self-affirmation analysis. (2020). Anxiety, Stress And Coping. Retrieved from https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10615800108248346
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